1. Metonymy; I took the idea of a dance diagram and switched the sign of dance shoes with the fingerprint. This represents his fingers dancing around the keys and the rhythm behind his compositions.
3. Hyperbole; The size of the foot crushing the metronome is of larger scale than normal scale.
4. Personification; The metronome is taking on human traits of Brubeck by playing the piano, as Brubeck does.
5. Parody; Roland has a piano brand called "Super Natural Piano" so I took that brand and created it to read Super Natural Piano Player using the same logo as Roland's Super Natural Piano brand.
6. Antithesis; Each speaker from the stereo is playing contrasting airwaves. One speaker is smooth and the other is jagged. These are the sounds that contradict one another to create west coast jazz.
7. Antithesis; Each hand is playing the piano and the left and right had are admitting a different feeling. One hand is smooth and the other is jagged. These are the sounds that contradict one another to create west coast jazz.
8. Pun;
9. Synecdoche; The glasses represent Dave Brubeck as a whole. They define him as a whole person.
10. Synecdoche; The glasses represent Dave Brubeck as a whole. They define him as a whole person. So simplified the head to be a mannequin head because a mannequin head holds no identity, like Brubeck's glasses does.
11. Metonymy; the metronome replicates the shape of the "A" in Dave's name (which is a simpler version of the shape).
12. Metaphor; Using a pitchfork in a haystack, that takes on the prongs as piano keys, I am demonstrating the truth that Brubeck though of being a rancher but actually becoming a musician.
The thoroughness of this process post is fantastic.