Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Information Graphics // Final Post

When creating information graphics, the goal is to produce a series of education data that can be visualized. When making these series, we had to incorporate our icons. My infographs use my icons while still displaying visual, educational data by taking actually information and making them into easy to read charts and graphs.

Out of the 3 information graphics, I was told to do just two. I ended up with one being a timeline and the other was a spacial comparison. For the timeline, I made sure that the spaces between the dates were fractionally accurate to demonstrate temporal comparison. With the map that I made, I sectioned off the United States to show size of regions and locations of certain groups of Native Americans. This is how I displayed spacial comparison.

Important factors that information graphics are composed of are formal sensibilities of typography, color, hierarchy. All of these factors help aid the information graphic to be accessible and engaging. Throughout my information graphics, I used color to display my icons and headings on columns of information. Hierarchy was achieved by the sizing of icons in both of my graphs. Also, a redundant use of some of the icons in the timeline and key, made for a focal point on each of the infographs. Color was also used for the icons to promote them as a focal point as well. As far as the typography goes, alignment and leading to create consistency was used. The typeface used for both titles was used for dominance and to reflect the title for the magazine article. All of the consistencies made the infographics look neat and added balance but the structure and layout of each is what made them interesting.


My final magazine spreads incorporated my information graphics into the layout. They correlate with the article and subject matter of Native American Indians. Which, intern, has the world to do with my icons set created so long ago.

1 comment:

  1. "I made sure that the spaces between the dates were fractionally accurate to demonstrate temporal comparison."

    This is not as clear as it could be in your timeline graph. Defining a time jump by orientating the line to 45 degree is a step, but, this alone is not enough to visually communicate the huge jump in time from 1492 to 1616 b/c it has the same visual length (approx 1 inch) on the page as 1620-1832.
